Monday, January 5, 2009

Happy New Year!

Wow! What a crazy month of December! It seemed like we had something almost everyday and rushed to get everything done and everyone where they needed to go. Now it seems to have calmed down and we will be able to get back to normal.

Tuesday, November 25, 2008

Baby Kate

I just realized that I have zero pictures of the baby on here. I think that it is funny that the kids can almost fit into Dave's shoes when they are newborns. Here is a Katie not enjoying the whole situation at all.

This is Katie after her first time to church. She is such a little angel and we are so glad to have her in our lives!

The Best Places to Eat According to Nathan

We were running our errands the other day and along the way Nathan started noticing some of the restaurants where we have been out to eat. He got all excited and said "Dat pwace has matanoni and cheese essir!" Because Mac & Cheese is fine dining to him I guess. What a funny kid!

Sunday, November 23, 2008

What in the world was she thinkin'?

I guess it was only a matter of time before one of them did it. Yep, Becky cut her own hair today while I was at church with the other two. Just two weeks ago she was praying that her hair would get to be as long as a little girl who goes to our church. Then she goes and cuts big chunks off of the bottom and a big chunk off the side. The bottom wasn't too bad as they were only about 4 inches so it would have been shorter. There was nothing to do but cut short as the remaining 2 inch sprig left on the front side couldn't be hidden. Now it looks like I cut her bangs weird but really it was all her.
In real life the two sides are even. It might not look so good anywhere but the two sides are equal lengths. I guess this will be a little "life lesson" for her. I think we will go tomorrow and get it evened up.

Sunday, November 16, 2008

Holy Cow!

We have been on the run lately! It seems like the weeks are just flying by. Halloween was fun with lots of parties and trick-or-treating. Becky dressed as Giselle from Enchanted and I figured out how to do big poofy princess hair for her. She also decided to be a My Little Pony so she would be warm outside. Nate was a "Girwaffe", a "Piate", and a "Pince". He was so cute when he saw the giraffe costume hanging in the closet he wanted to put it on and he ran up to Kate and said "Baby Ate me a girwaffe!" and he wagged his head at her. Being the good little baby she is she rewarded Nater with a big toothless grin making his and our night. Kate was a "Katie Cat" and wore a cat onesie I bought at a yard sale this summer. Nothing wonderful for her this year. That's about all I remember doing that was out of the ordinary lately. It seems as though Dave and I have been working an extra lot lately. I think I work more at work now that I am working from home then I worked when I was working at work. Dave has been working at the flip house with my dad and brothers a lot lately too. The kids are so excited for Christmas. Really it's me that is the one who is most excited though. I LOVE Christmas. I love the lights, the decorations, they buying of presents. I LOVE everything! Wait, I don't love that everywhere smells like cinnamon. Seriously, I walk into a store and my eyes start to water and I start to sneeze like no other. I must be allergic.

Wednesday, October 22, 2008

Doctor Visit

Took all the kids to the Doctor yesterday for their well child visits and flu shots. They are all growing like weeds. Kate had her vaccinations and was up all night fussing about it but is fine today. Becky and Nate were relieved that they didn't have to get shots after all. The flu mist is great! The exam table was a castle and the kids love playing in it. I liked that I was able to make just one trip as their birthday's are so close.